tau ministry and spirituality homepage

Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services offers various opportunities for personal and/or communal growth.

Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services offers various opportunities for personal and/or communal growth. In addition to spiritual direction and pastoral counseling, Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services can provide a speaker or facilitator for various occasions. Retreats, days of recollection, growth sessions, in-service workshops, group work and theological reflection can all be arranged. Assistance to parishes and congregations is also available.

Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services assists people in delving more fully into the realm of the Spirit and the richness of contemporary spirituality. All of us seek to find "more" as we make our way through life. Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services will support people in their pursuit of the divine and in their quest for God's abundant, ever-flowing, grace.

Tau Ministry and Spirituality Services assists people in delving more fully into the realm of the Spirit and the richness of contemporary spirituality.
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